Our ESG Commitment

At Hilltop Capital Partners we lend and invest with purpose, targeting sustainable developments and responsible investing. We aim to leave a positive impact on our built environment for generations to come.
We are mindful of the impact we have on our environment and commit to actively reduce our carbon footprint helping to address climate change. So we:
Support modern methods of construction and working ways to reduce consumption.
Proactively support sustainable practices, green building design, and smart technology with the developments we fund and evaluate, to ensure building compliance adheres to modern environmental standards.
Improve energy efficiency and resources through renewables, structurally insulated panels (SIPs), solar, and advanced metering technologies.
Reduce pollution by ensuring proper management of waste processes to support a circular economy.

Our approach is centred around people, and having lasting and positive relationships with individuals, groups, and society. We are:
Committed to providing ongoing education and employee development to ensure best practices and valued service for our developers, and sustainable risk-adjusted returns for our investors.
Attract and retain an experienced, talented, diverse, and inclusive team. We are focused on employee well-being and development to create a positive work culture.
Support the delivery of much-needed new housing in a massively under-supplied market, with a strong focus on affordably priced accommodation.
Ensure we are fully health and safety compliant from our teams to our developments.
Committed to funding developments that will have a positive impact on local communities and enhance social well-being.Encourage responsible behaviour through our code of conduct, working ethically and with integrity.

Looking towards long-term engagement and sustainable impact, we understand that with good governance business will thrive. We are:
Transparent and compliant with regulations, and consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities and stewardship.
Complete rigorous due diligence on all our developments and investments (including KYC / AML checks) to ensure responsible and sustainable portfolio performance.
Provide transparency to our LPs through regular updates and insist on open and honest reporting from our borrowers.
We conduct ourselves to the highest standards reinforced through our code of conduct, which warrants effective compliance, anti-corruption and security procedures and policies.